Chapter 1
Shared domains generally reside on Mac OS X Servers, because servers are equipped with
tools such as Server Admin for managing network resources and network users.
Similarly, you can make network resources such as printers visible to certain computers by
setting up printer records in a shared domain accessed by those computers. For example,
graphic artists in a company might need to access color printers and scanners, while copy
center personnel need to use high-speed laser printers. Rather than configuring printer
access for each computer individually, you could use the Print module of Server Admin to
add printers to two shared domains: Graphics and Repro.
Printers visible in the Print Center application on graphic artists’ computers would be those
in the Graphics domain, while printers in the Repro domain would be visible to computers
used by copy center personnel. Printers that have records in shared domains appear in the
Directory Services list in Print Center.
Graphic artists Copy center personnel