26 Chapter 1
When the domain is open, select a directory. The illustration below shows the window for a
domain called MyDomain. At the bottom of the window, you see the properties of the
machines record of a computer named computer01. This computer has a record in the
machines directory because it hosts a master or clone of the domain.
There are usually three properties associated with a machines record. The name property is
the computer’s host name. The ip_address property is the IP address of the computer. The
serves property identifies one or more NetInfo databases stored on that computer that are
related to the domain being viewed. The serves property value includes the NetInfo tag,
which is the directory where the database for a domain resides:
mThe NetInfo tag of the domain being viewed, “network” in this example, is preceded by
the notation “./”.
mIf the domain has a parent on the same computer, the parent’s tag is also listed, preceded
by “../”. In this example, the domain has a parent that resides on computer01 in a domain
with the tag “Company.”