Chapter 1
Inside NetInfo
When a Mac OS X computer starts up and domain binding occurs, a NetInfo daemon called
starts. The nibindd daemon starts another daemon—netinfod—for each domain on
the computer. Then nibindd listens for requests from netinfod processes asking for parents,
checking for the appropriate netinfod process and initiating binding as required. Both
nibindd and netinfod run in the background.
A third process related to NetInfo is called
. It’s the process used to interact with
NetInfo when legacy UNIX software (such as the Terminal application) requests
administrative information now stored in NetInfo. The lookupd process makes it possible for
software that uses Posix or BSD calls to retrieve administrative information from NetInfo.
lookupd searches through the NetInfo hierarchy as required to locate the information
needed, then returns it to the process that requested it.
Every Mac OS X computer uses one instance of nibindd and lookupd, and one instance of
netinfod for each domain on the computer. The netinfod process is sometimes referred to as
NetInfo server.