
Switching on

e front panel power button switches the unit on and
e power light (next to the ‘A18 Integrated Amplier’
text) indicates the state of the amplier. e power LED
is green and ON if the power is connected and the unit
is turned ON.
e front panel dIspLAy button (or dIsp on the remote
control) changes the display brightness between ‘on’,
‘dimmed’ and ‘o’. If the A18 is powered o with the
display brightness set to ‘o’, the display resumes to
‘dimmed’ when the unit is powered on again.

Selecting an audio source

e audio source may be selected from the front panel
(phono, AuX, cd, tuner, sAt, dVd, pVr or AV), or the
remote control (dVd, sAt, AV, tun, AuX, pVr, cd or pho).
In each case, the source is selected from the input
sockets with the corresponding name.


listening using speakers
Use the control knob to change the volume. Turn the
knob clockwise to increase the volume, anti-clockwise
to reduce it.
listening using headphones
e headphones socket (phones) accepts headphones
with an impedance rating between 8 and 2k, tted
with a 3.5mm stereo jack plug.
e pre-amp outputs and speakers are muted when
headphones are plugged in. e headphones socket is
always active, unless output has been muted.
Muting output
e output of the A18 can be silenced by pressing Mute
on the front panel (or - on the remote control). Press
Mute/- for a second time (or change the volume) to
cancel mute.

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adjusting listening settings

e A18 allows you to customise the balance, bass
and treble levels of the amplier to t your system.
Adjustments can be made either on the front panel or by
using the CR10 remote control. Click the corresponding
button to view the current setting, then use the control
knob on the front panel (or VoL +/ buttons on the
CR10) to adjust.
is setting allows you to increase the volume of one
channel (le or right) relative to the other. Altering
the balance (from L9 to R9, via the neutral value 0)
may help to restore the stereo image for an o-centre
listening position.
is setting allows you to increase or decrease the level
of low frequency elements in the sound within the range
+7 to -7.
is setting allows you to increase or decrease the level
of high frequency elements in the sound within the
range +7 to -7.
direct mode
is is a ‘tone defeat’ setting which ignores any Bass and
Treble trim values.
Press drct (Direct) on the remote control to toggle this
setting; ‘DIRECT’ is lit on the display when Direct mode
is active.

Processor mode

e A18, in combination with a power amplier, can
be used to drive the front le and right speakers of a
surround-sound system, when fed from a multi-channel
processor. e volume of the entire system may then be
controlled using the processor.
While in Processor mode, you can feed the sound from
the processor into AV In and set the ‘Proc mode volume’
of the A18 to match the ampliers that drive your
other loudspeakers. Set this ‘Proc mode volume’ using
the VoL+ and VoL– buttons on the remote. e last set
value of ‘Proc mode volume’ is remembered whenever
Processor mode is selected.
Processor mode may be toggled on and o (when
AV is selected as the source) by using the front panel
processor Mode button or proc on the remote. ‘PROC
remains lit on the display while Processor mode is