Using the Projector
System menu
Turn the features in the System menu on and off by highlighting
them and pressing Select. A checkmark in the box indicates the
feature is on; an empty box means the feature is off.
System menu
Rear: This reverses the image so you can project from behind a
translucent screen.
SourceSearch: When this feature is on, the projector automati-
cally searches for an active source. When it is off, you must
press the Source/Select button on the keypad or Computer and
Video buttons on the remote to switch among sources.
Hide OSD: This hides the on-screen display (OSD) of the adjust-
ment bars that appear when you adjust things using the key-
pad, such as volume. It does not hide the menu’s adjustment
DPMS enable: This turns the Display Power Management Sys-
tem (DPMS) on. When it is on, the projector turns the lamp off
after 3 minutes of not detecting an active source. The projector
will retu rn to no rmal act ivity i mmedia tely if it dete cts an a ctive
source. After 5 additional minutes, the projector turns off. You
must press the Power button to turn the projector back on. The
LED blinks green when in DPMS mode.
M2+.book Page 24 Thursday, April 8, 2004 8:10 AM