Host Name/Address - refers to the simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) server address that is used to transfer mail over the Internet. Example: or

Port Number - the number identifying the type of connection requested by a remote computer on the Internet. The default value is 25.

Mail Address - refers to the sender’s email address.

Authentication method - refers to preferred server authentication method when checking the user name and password.

Username - refers to your user account name.

Password - secret set of characters and/or numbers required to access a computer system. In this case, to allow you to send and receive emails.


The Misc group contains miscellaneous parameters and server settings. Refer to the following parameter descriptions:

Auto Connect to the Internet - when enabled, the utility will check if an Internet connection already exists. If the connection between the IP you bind and the destination mail server can’t be established, the utility will automatically dial-up. Click the check box to enable or disable this feature.

Bind to - selects your local IP to bind for Internet connection. Click the list box to select IP.

Encoding - sets the encoding method for the character set of email sent. Click the list box to select encoding method.

Send All messages MIME encoded - allows support for

multipurpose Internet mail extensions (MIME) character sets. Click the check box to enable or disable this feature.

Send All messages as HTML - allows you to send your messages in hypertext markup language (HTML) format. Click the check box to enable or disable this feature.

Message Priority - sets the email message priority level. Click the check box to enable or disable this feature.

5.Click OK to save the configuration or Cancel to abort.6.Click Test Mail to test your email configuration.7.When finished, click OK to save settings and exit.


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2007.8.29 11:34:13 AM