• Organization Unit(OU)
• City or Locality(L)
• State or Province(ST)
• Country(C)
• Email Address
1. Click the Upload SSL Tab, Browse the New Certicate and New Privacy
2. Click Upload to upload the new certicate and privacy key.
3. In Generate SSL tab, enter the following details in the respective elds
• The Common Name for which the certicate is to be generated.
• The Name of the Organization for which the certicate is to be generated.
• The Overall Organization Section Unit name for which certicate to be
• The City or Locality of the organization
• The State or Province of the organization
• The Country of the organization
• The email address of the organization.
• The number of days the certicate will be valid in the Valid For eld.
4. Choose the Key Length bit value of the certicate
5. Click Generate to generate the certicate.
6. Click View SSL tab to view the uploaded SSL certicate in user readable
1. Once you Upload/Generate the certicates, only HTTPs service will get
2. You can now access your Generic MegaRAC® SP securely using the
following format in your IP Address eld from your Internet browser:
https://<your MegaRAC® SP’s IP address here>
3. For example, if your MegaRAC® SP’s IP address is, enter the
4. Please note the <s> after <http>.You must accept the certicate before you
are able to access your Generic MegaRAC® SP.