
Q1. There is no sound or poor sound.

Ensure the volume on the TV or entertainment unit, such as cable or satellite box, is not on mute mode.

Check the volume levels of your TV set and ASUS CUBE with Google TV.

Ensure that the HDMI cable is connected correctly.

Q2. A few of my music files do not appear.

The ASUS CUBE with Google TV supports the most common music file formats. However, there are almost an infinite variety of bit rates and sample rates. If a file is

not displayed on the screen, it most likely uses an unsupported bit rate or sample rate. Only use files with supported formats, bit rates, and sample rates.

NOTE: For ASUS CUBE with Google TV’s supported media formats, refer to the section Supported Media Formats in Appendices.

USB storage device

Q1. I cannot find any of my music, video, or photo files on my USB storage device.

Ensure that your USB storage device is properly plugged in.

Ensure that your USB storage device (USB Flash/USB Hard drive ) is not in standby mode.

Ensure that the files are in supported file formats.