3.2.3 Utili ti es menu

The Utilities menu shows the applications and other software that the motherboard supports.

ADOBE Acrobat Reader V7.0

The Adobe® Acrobat® Reader V7.0 is for opening, viewing, and printing documents in Portable Document Format (PDF).

Mi crosoft Di rectX 9.0c

The Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0c is a multimedia technology that enhances computer graphics and sounds. DirectX® improves the multimedia features of your computer so you can enjoy watching TV and movies, capturing videos, or playing games on your computer.

Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2 already includes Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0c. If your system is Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2embedded, skip Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0c installation.

Symantec Norton I nternet Securi ty

Installs the Symantec Norton Internet Security.

Wi nDVD Copy5 Tri al

Installs the WinDVD Copy5 Trial.

Corel Snapfi re Pl us SE

Installs the Corel Snapfire Plus SE.


Chapter 3: Software support