NT Windows .IX Installation) (Driver

IX. Microsoft Windows NT

Video Driver Installation

Installing ATI Video drivers in Windows NT 4.0 (Prompted by Windows NT)

If an ASUS Video or Audio/Video motherboard (or compatible) was installed at one time a “Display” message will appear upon entering Windows NT 4.0 :

There is a problem with your display settings. The adapter type is incorrect, or the current settings do not work with your hardware.

1.Click OK button to continue - The “Settings” tab of the Display Properties appears.

2.Click Display Type - Change Display Type windows appears.

3.Click Change button - Select Device windows appears.

4.Click Have Disk button - “Install From Disk” window appears

5.Insert ASUS instillation CD and Click Browse button - Open window appears

6.Select your CD-ROMdrive in the “Drives:” box

7.Select \nt40 - ati.inf shows in ”File name:”

8.Click the OK button - Install from Disk appears - Click OK button again.

9.Click Show all devices (if available)

10.Select the appropriate model of your Video or Audio/Video Motherboard - messages appears: “You are about to install a third-party driver...”

11.Click Yes - Copying Files... appears - message appears: “The drivers were successfully installed”

12.Click OK button13.Change your monitor type if necessary - Click Close button when finished.

14.Adjust the “Desktop area,” “Color palette,” and “Font size” if necessary - Click Apply button when finished - System Settings Change windows appears:

You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect. Do you want to restart your computer now?

15.Click Yes button - ATI Desktop Help will appear upon restart, make changes as necessary.

Updating installation in Windows NT 4.0: (Using Autorun Screen)

If for some reason you need to reinstall the ATI video drivers or if you skipped the previous procedures, you may use the following steps:

1.Insert the ASUS installation CD (or double click on the CD drive in “My Com- puter” if CD already inserted)- ASUS Windows NT Install Shell appears.

2.Click Install Windows NT Display Driver - Display Properties and installa- tion information appears.

3.Select the Settings tab and Continue from step 2 above.

NOTE: Video for Windows, Direct Video, & Video Player is not available for any versions of Windows NT.


ASUS P/I-AP55TV User's Manual