13.When prompted, press ENTER to select the slot number. Repeat until all slot options are loaded.

14.Click "No" at the prompt "Do you want to select an additional Disk driver?"

15.Press Esc until return to the Configuration Options


F. Removing the Driver From a NetWare Server

1.Type LOAD NWCONFIG at the NetWare console prompt and press ENTER.

2.Select "NCF Files Option (Create/Edit server Startup files)".

3.Select "Edit STARTUP.NCF file".

4.Remove the line(s) for loading ADPU320.HAM driver.

5.When finished, press F10 to save and exit.

6.Press ESC twice to quit NWCONFIG utility.

NOTE A DOS text editor can also be used to modify the STARTUP.NCF file.

ASUS PU-DLS/PU-DL motherboard user guide
