5.5.5 H ardware Moni tor

Hardware Monitor

CPU Temperature

CPU Temperature


MB Temperature


CPU Fan Speed

[3813 RPM]

VCORE Voltage

[ 1.320V]

3.3V Voltage

[ 3.345V]

5V Voltage

[ 5.094V]

12V Voltage


Smart Q-FAN Function


CPU Temperature [ xxxºC/xxxºF]

MB Temperature [ xxxºC/xxxºF]

The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the motherboard and CPU temperatures. Select Disabled if you do not wish to display the detected temperatures.

CPU Fan Speed [ xxxxRPM], [ N/A], or [I gnored]

The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the CPU fan speed in rotations per minute (RPM). If the fan is not connected to the motherboard, the field shows N/A.

VCORE Vol tage, 3.3V Vol tage, 5V Vol tage, 12V Vol tage

The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects the voltage output through the onboard voltage regulators.

Smart Q-FAN Functi on [Enabl ed]

Allows you to enable or disable smart Q-Fan function. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]


Chapter 5: BIOS setup