Reference S/W .IV


IV. Software Reference

Auto Video Recording Setting

1.Click Setup and point to and then click Auto Timer Recording to select the live pre-recording settings.

These settings include the Start Time (Year Month Day Hour Minute Sec- ond), Stop Time (Year Month Day Hour Minute Second), Channel Number , Capture Frame Rate, and options to Add Audio to the recording, View Auto Recording Log, and to Delete one or Delete All the pre-recording settings.

2. Click Add to add your pre-recording setting/s.The video recording will start at the designated date and time.

NOTE: The video recording settings assume that you have a video device connected to your ASUS graphics card and that the device is turned on and running.


Snapshot (hotkey: F5) lets you capture video stream data as single images and then show these images on your desktop almost simultaneously through the default image viewer. It supports any plug-in picture viewer/image processing program to view the captured images (see ASUS Live Control Panel earlier in this section).

To begin capturing, do the following:

1.Click Snapshot on the ASUS Live Control Panel or press the F5 key to capture the desired image on ASUS Live Video’s display


The screen will freeze momentarily and the captured image (saved as a BMP file, using consecutive numbers) will be previewed in the Preview Files window.

You may click an image to view that captured image.2.Repeat Step 1 as necessary.


ASUS V7700 Series User’s Manual