Allows you to configure the thermal settings of an installed ASUS graphics card.

The VGA tab on Thermal Radar 2 appears only when you install an optional ASUS

graphics card into your system.

The VGA feature of Thermal Radar 2 supports ASUS NVidia 700 Series graphics card only.

VGA - Auto Mode

The system loads the optimal values for the graphic card’s thermal settings.

Press to perform dynamic adjustments




Click to save a new profile


on the power and fan speed of the




Click to load a saved profile

installed graphics card







VGA - Smart Mode

Manually adjust the acceleration and deceleration time of the graphic card’s fans.

4 Chapter

Displays the graph of the

Click the sliders to

thermal settings

adjust the settings

Click to apply changes Click to undo changes

Click to save a new profile Click to load a saved profile


Chapter 4: Software support