Limited warranty
6. What must you return with the PRODUCT to get warranty service?
You must:
a. Return the entire original package and contents including the PRODUCT
to the service location along with a description of the malfunction or dif-
ficulty; and
b. Include “valid proof of purchase” (sales receipt) identifying the PRODUCT
purchased (PRODUCT model) and the date of purchase or receipt; and
c. Provide your name, complete and correct mailing address, and telephone
7. Other limitations
This warranty is the complete and exclusive agreement between you and
the manufacturer of this AT&T branded PRODUCT. It supersedes all other
written or oral communications related to this PRODUCT. The manufacturer
provides no other warranties for this PRODUCT. The warranty exclusively
describes all of the manufacturer’s responsibilities regarding the PRODUCT.
There are no other express warranties. No one is authorized to make modi-
fications to this limited warranty and you should not rely on any such mod-
State/Provincial Law Rights: This warranty gives you specific legal rights,
and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state or prov-
ince to province.
Limitations: Implied warranties, including those of fitness for a particular
purpose and merchantability (an unwritten warranty that the PRODUCT is
fit for ordinary use) are limited to one year from date of purchase. Some
states/provinces do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty
lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. In no event shall the
manufacturer be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or
similar damages (including, but not limited to lost profits or revenue, inabil-
ity to use the PRODUCT or other associated equipment, the cost of substi-
tute equipment, and claims by third parties) resulting from the use of this
PRODUCT. Some states/provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation
of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclu-
sion may not apply to you.
Please retain your original sales receipt as proof of purchase.