Herjdjlcndj gj =rcgkefnfwbb


Ghtljcntht;tybt6 Dj bp,t;fybt =ktrnhbxtcrjuj elfhf gjkyjcnm. dcnfdmnt cjjndtncnde.obq ibhjrbq rhfq intgctkz d ibhjre. ghjhtpm hjptnrb7

Bycnherwbb6 Dct bycnherwbb gj nt[ybrt ,tpjgfcyjcnb b jgthfwbjyyst bycnherwbb ljk;ys xbnfnmcz gthtl bcgjkmpjdfybtv bpltkbz7

Cj[hfybnt bycnherwbb6 Dct bycnherwbb gj nt[ybrt ,tpjgfcyjcnb b jgthfwbjyyst bycnherwbb ljk;ys ,snm cj[hfytys lkz gjcktle.otuj bcgjkmpjdfybz7

Exnbnt ghtleght;ltybz6 Dct ghtleght;ltybz jnyjcbntkmyj bpltkbz9 f nfr;t jgthfwbjyyst bycnherwbb ljk;ys cnhjuj cj,k.lfnmcz7

Cktleqnt bycnherwbzv6 Ljk;ys cj,k.lfnmcz dct jgthfwbb b bycnherwbb gj bcgjkmpjdfyb.7

Xbcnrf6 Dsrk.xfqnt bpltkbt bp hjptnrb gthtl xbcnrjq7 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt f=hjpjkm bkb ;blrbt chtlcndf lkz xbcnrb9 f njkmrj dkf;ye. nrfym7

Ghbkj;tybz6 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt ghbkj;tybz9 yt htrjvtyletvst pfdjljv- bpujnjdbntktv9 gjcrjkmre jyb vjuen ghbxbybnm gjdht;ltybz7

Djlf b dkf;yjcnm6 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt =nj bpltkbt d eckjdbz[ gjdsityyjq dkf;yjcnb7

Dtynbkzwbz6 Jndthcnbz d rjhgect ghtlecvjnhtys lkz dtynbkzwbb b ufhfynbb yflt;yjq hf,jns9 f nfr;t lkz pfobns jn gthtuhtdfybz7 Gj=njve jyb yt ljk;ys ,snm ,kjrbhjdfys bkb pfrhsns7 Yt gjvtofqnt bpltkbt yf rhjdfnm9 lbdfy bkb lheue. vzure. gjdth[yjcnm7 Bpltkbt yt ljk;yj ,snm gjvtotyj d pfvryenjt ghjcnhfycndj9 nbgf ryb;yjuj irfaf bkb cnjqrb9 rhjvt nt[ ckexftd9 rjulf yflkt;fofz dtynbkzwbz j,tcgtxbdftncz9 bkb =nj ghtlecvjnhtyj bycnherwbtq bpujnjdbntkz7

Bcnjxybrb gbnfybz6 +nj bpltkbt ljk;yj bcgjkmpjdfnmcz njkmrj jn bcnjxybrf gbnfybz9 nbg rjnjhjuj j,jpyfxty yf zhksrt vfhrbhjdrb7 Tckb Ds yt edthtys jnyjcbntkmyj bcnjxybrf gbnfybz d dfitv ljvt9 gjpdjybnt d Dfie vtcnye. =ythutnbxtcre. rjvgfyb.7

Pfptvktybt bkb gjkzhbpfwbz6 +nj bpltkbt vj;tn ,snm j,jheljdfyj gjkzhbpjdfyysv intgctktv7 Xnj,s j,tcgtxbnm ,tpjgfcyjcnm9 =njn intgctkm ,eltn d[jlbnm d hjptnre njkmrj jlybv cgjcj,jv7 Tckb Ds yt vj;tnt dcnfdbnm intgctkm9 ghj,eqnt gthtdthyenm tuj7 Tckb intgctkm yt ,eltn cjjndtncndjdfnm Dfitq hjptnrt9 nj dj bp,t;fybt gjdht;ltybq9 cdz;bntcm c =ktrnhbrjv9 xnj,s ghjbpdtcnb pfvtye7

Pfobnf iyehf =ktrnhjgbnfybz6 Iyehs =ktrnhjgbnfybz ljk;ys ,snm hfpvtotys nfr9 xnj,s jyb yt yf[jlbkbcm d ghj[jlf[9 yt pf;bvfkbcm ghtlvtnfvb9 gjcnfdktyysvb yf yb[ bkb hzljv c ybvb7 <elmnt jcj,tyyj dybvfntkmys r iyehfv d intgctkz[ b vtcnfv9 ult jyb ds[jlzn bp bpltkbz7

Gthtuheprf6 Yt gthtuhe;fqnt hjptnre b iyehs elkbybntkz9 gjcrjkmre =nj vj;tn ,snm cdzpfyj c hbcrjv gj;fhf bkb =ktrnhbxtcrjuj elfhf7

Ghtlvtns b ;blrjcnb6 Ybrjulf yt ghjnfkrbdfqnt k.,juj dblf ghtlvtns d bpltkbt xthtp jndthcnbz9 gjcrjkmre jyb vjuen rfcfnmcz vtcn jgfcyjuj yfghz;tybz9 b =nj vj;tn ghbdtcnb r gj;fhe bkb elfhe njrjv7 Ybrjulf yt hfpkbdfqnt ;blrjcnm k.,juj dblf yf bpltkbt7

J,cke;bdfybt6 Yt gsnfqntcm j,cke;bdfnm =nj bpltkbt cfvjcnjzntkmyj9 nfr rfr hfp,jhrf bkb elfktybt gjrhsnbq vj;tn gjldthuyenm Dfc jgfcyjve yfghz;tyb. bkb lheubv jgfcyjcnzv7 J,hfofqntcm gj dctv djghjcfv j,cke;bdfybz r rdfkbabwbhjdfyysv cgtwbfkbcnfv7

Dscjrfz ntvgthfnehf6 +nj bpltkbt ljk;yj ,snm hfcgjkj;tyj dlfkb jn bcnjxybrjd dscjrjq ntvgthfnehs nbgf hflbfnjhjd9 gtxtq bkb lheub[ ghb,jhjd 5drk.xfz ecbkbntkb89 rjnjhst dsltkz.n ,jkmijt rjkbxtcndj ntgkf7

Ythf,jxbq gthbjl6 Iyeh gbnfybz ljk;ty ,snm dsrk.xty bp hjptnrb9 rjulf bpltkbt yt bcgjkmpetncz lkbntkmysq gthbjl dhtvtyb7

Ecnhfytybt ytbcghfdyjcntq6 +nj bpltkbt ljk;yj j,cke;bdfnmcz rdfkbabwbhjdfyysv j,cke;bdf.obv gthcjyfkjv9 rjulf6

5F8 Iyeh =ktrnhjgbnfybz bkb intgctkm ,sk gjdht;lty4

5<8 Dj dyenhm gjgfkb ghtlvtns9 bkb d ytuj ,skf ghjkbnf ;blrjcnm4 5D8 Bpltkbt gjgfkj gjl lj;lm4

5U8 Ghb,jh dtl∑n ct,z ytj,sxyj bkb pfvtnyj bpvtybkcz pderjdjq =aatrn4 5L8 Bpltkbt egfkj bkb tuj dyenhtyyjcnb ,skb gjdht;ltys4

5T8 Tckb bpltkbt dtltn ct,z ytj,sxyj b yt dsgjkyztn ltqcndbz9 ghtlecvjnhtyyst bycnherwbtq7

Athena TECHNOLOGIES® zdkztncz pfhtubcnhbhjdfyyjq njhujdjq vfhrjq Audio Products International Corp. “Dolby”, “Dolby Pro-Logic” b “Dolby Digital Surround” zdkz.ncz njhujdsvb vfhrfvb Dolby Laboratories Licensing. DTS — njhujdfz vfhrf Digital Theater Systems Inc.


Gjplhfdkztv Dfc c ghbj,htntybtv uhjvrjujdjhbntktq Athena TECHNOLOGIES®! Cjjndtncnde.ofz nt[yjkjubz b ghjbpdjlcndj dscjrjuj rfxtcndf gjpdjkzn Dfv yfckf;lfnmcz yfb,jktt tcntcndtyyjq b njxyjq vepsrjq ljkubt ujls7 Cjdtns9 ghtlkfuftvst d =njv herjdjlcndt9 yfghfdktys yf nj9 xnj,s gjvjxm Dfv edtkbxbnm b gjllth;bdfnm dscjrjt djcghjbpdtltybt b9 cjjndtncndtyyj9 Dfit eljdjkmcndbt jn ghjckeibdfybz7 Gj;fkeqcnf9 ds,thbnt dhtvz9 xnj,s ghjxbnfnm dct bycnherwbb9 cjlth;fobtcz d =njv herjdjlcndt9 xnj,s ,snm edthtyysv9 xnj Dfif cbcntvf ljk;ysv j,hfpjv ecnfyjdktyf b hf,jnftn ghfdbkmyj7


Vs yfcnjzntkmyj cjdtnetv9 xnj,s Ds cjghjnbdkzkbcm bcreityb. drk.xfnm uhjvrjujdjhbntkb Athena TECHNOLOGIES® yf gjkye. vjom b =rcgthbvtynbhjdfnm c b[ hfpvtotybtv b ghjckeibdfybtv lj nt[ gjh9 gjrf jyb yt ghjqlen gthbjl jnkflrb7 +njn ghjwtcc ljk;ty lkbnmcz ghb,kbpbntkmyj %)–!)) xfcjd djcghjbpdtltybz vepsrb7 +nj vj;tn ,snm kturj dsgjkytyj c gjvjom. dfituj CD gktthf9 yfcnhjtyyjuj yf ytghthsdyjt djcghjbpdtltybt ghb ghjbuhsdfybb rjvgfrn lbcrf c ibhjrbv lbyfvbxtcrbv lbfgfpjyjv yf yjhvfkmys[ ehjdyz[ ghjckeibdfybz7



Athena TECHNOLOGIES® zdkztncz yjdtqibv jnltkjv Vt;leyfhjlyjq Rjhgjhfwbb Pderjds[ Bpltkbq bpdtcnyjq gjdc.le d ghjvsiktyyjcnb rfr “API”. Rfyflcrfz rjvgfybz API, jcyjdfyyfz d !(&%9 — =nj cjdhtvtyysq pfdjl9 pfybvf.obq nthhbnjhb. d !^%9))) rdflhfnys[ aenf7 Hfpdbdf.obtcz ghjbpdjlcndj9 hfcgjkj;tyyjt d Njhjynj9 Rfyflt7 API — jlyf bp cfvs[ rhegys[ rjvgfybq d vbht gj ghjbpdjlcnde uhjvrjujdjhbntktq9 gjcnfdkz.ofz cdj. ghjlerwb. d ,jktt xtv ^) cnhfy dj dctv vbht7 Ecgtiyst bccktljdfybz nfkfynkbdjuj rjkktrnbdf9 bcgjkmpjdfybt gthtljdjuj rjvgm.nthyjuj lbpfqyf b ckj;yst vtnjls bpvthtybz — dc∑ =nj yf[jlbnmcz d ghjljk;f.ob[cz gjbcrf[ yjds[ b kexib[ frecnbxtcrb[ nt[yjkjubq7 +nj bccktljdfybt jcyjdfyj yf ujlf[ jgsnf gthdjghj[jlwtd frecnbrb9 hfpdbdfzcm d cjnhelybxtcndt c Rfyflcrbv Yfwbjyfkmysv Cjdtnjv gj Bccktljdfybzv (NRC), xnj,s cjplfnm uhjvrjujdjhbntkb9 rjnjhst cvjuen jndtxfnm dscjrbv nht,jdfybzv ghjckeibdfybz d nbgbxyjq ljvfiytq j,cnfyjdrt7 J,ibhyjt bccktljdfybt rf;ljuj fcgtrnf uhjvrjujdjhbntkz9 fyfkbp b jwtyrf ght;lt9 xtv cnflbz ghjtrnf yfxy∑n htfkbpjdsdfnmcz9 zdkztncz rjywtgwbtq rjvgfybb9 b vs j,hfoftv Dfit dybvfybt yf =nj9 rfr wtkjcnysq gjl[jl ghjtrnf7 +njn vtnjl ufhfynbhetn9 xnj cfvst ghtdjc[jlyst rjvgjytyns b vfnthbfks drk.xtys d ghjbpdjlcndj b ghjdthtyys ckj;ysvb cbcntvfvb bcgsnfybz9 ghjbpdjlcndjv b rjynhjktv rfxtcndf9 xnj,s ufhfynbhjdfnm bcrk.xbntkmye. b ghtdjc[jlye. hf,jne uhjvrjujdjhbntktq9 rjnjhst cnjzn pfgkfxtyyjq pf yb[ wtys7


Uhjvrjujdjhbntkm Athena TECHNOLOGIES® “ Point 5 Speaker” hfphf,jnfy nfr9 xnj,s ,snm xhtpdsxfqyj =aatrnbdysv9 b gj=njve jxtym ytghb[jnkbd r nht,jdfybzv ecbkbntkz7 Dcz cthbz hfphf,jnfyf nfr9 xnj,s ,snm *-vb jvbxtcrjq b cjdvtcnbvjq c djcghjbpdtltybtv yf gjxnb k.,jv ecbkbntkt bkb ghbtvybrt9 rjnjhst ghtlcnfdktys yf hsyrt7 <jkmibycndj ecbkbntktq c jwtyrjq vjoyjcnb @)–!)) dfnn yf rfyfk ,eltn =aatrnbdyj hf,jnfnm c felbj rjkjyrfvb Athena TECHNOLOGIES® “ S.5 b C.5”. Tckb ,jkmit xtv jlyf gfhf rjkjyjr bcgjkmpetncz yf jlby b njn ;t rfyfk ecbkbntkz9 5ljgjkybntkmyfz gfhf uhjvrjujdjhbntktq lkz lheujq rjvyfns9 yfghbvth89 nj ghjdthmnt rjyabuehfwb. ecbkbntkz e bpujnjdbntkz9 xnj,s e,tlbnmcz9 xnj ecbkbntkm vj;tn hf,jnfnm c yfuheprjq vtymit9 xtv * jv7

Ghtleght;ltybt6 Tckb ecbkbntkm gthtuhe;ty9 htpekmnfnjv ,eltn bcrf;tybt9 rjnjhjt afrnbxtcrb dj vyjuj hfp ,jkmit9 xtv yjvbyfkmyfz vjoyjcnm7 Gthtuhe;tyyjt bcrf;tybt ecbkbntkz yfpsdftncz ≥lht,tp;fybt÷9 tuj kturj hfcgjpyfnm gj ytxtnrjve9 bcrf;tyyjve pdere b =nj vj;tn gjdhtlbnm k.,jq uhjvrjujdjhbntkm7 Htuekznjh uhjvrjcnb ,jkmibycndf ecbkbntktq b ghb∑vybrjd — kjufhbavbxtcrjuj nbgf7 +nj jpyfxftn9 xnj gjkyfz vjoyjcnm vj;tn ,snm ljcnbuyenf htuekznjhjv d gjpbwbb gjkjdbys uhjvrjcnb7 Ltqcndbz


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Image 26
Athena Technologies P.5, C.5, S.5 owner manual Dfyj Bycnherwbz GJ Ntybrt Tpjgfcyjcnb Ghjxbnfqnt Dybvfntkmyj

5, P.5, S.5, C.5 specifications

Athena Technologies has established itself as a leader in the field of sophisticated electronic systems and cutting-edge technologies. Among its standout products are the AS-P300, C.5, S.5, and AS-P400, which showcase an impressive array of features and capabilities designed to meet the demands of various applications.

The AS-P300 is designed with flexibility and efficiency in mind. It boasts a robust processing unit capable of handling complex computations, making it ideal for high-performance applications. The system supports a wide range of connectivity options, ensuring seamless integration with existing infrastructure. Notably, its modular architecture allows users to customize configurations based on specific project requirements, enhancing its versatility.

The C.5 series stands out with its focus on compactness and energy efficiency. It incorporates advanced power management technologies, significantly reducing energy consumption without compromising performance. The C.5 is particularly suitable for mobile applications, where space and power are at a premium. Featuring state-of-the-art thermal management systems, it ensures optimal performance even under demanding conditions.

On the other hand, the S.5 system emphasizes scalability, making it ideal for growing enterprises. With its expandable architecture, organizations can easily scale up their operations without needing to overhaul existing systems. The S.5 employs advanced data processing algorithms, enabling real-time analytics and decision-making capabilities that are crucial for modern business environments.

Finally, the AS-P400 represents the pinnacle of Athena Technologies’ offerings. It integrates all the best features of its predecessors while introducing groundbreaking technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. This system is designed for more complex tasks, providing users with predictive analytics and automated decision-making tools that streamline operations and enhance productivity.

These products collectively exemplify Athena Technologies' commitment to innovation and quality. Their emphasis on modularity, energy efficiency, scalability, and advanced features positions them as ideal solutions for a range of industries, including telecommunications, healthcare, and manufacturing. Customers can expect reliability and cutting-edge performance from these systems, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of technological advancement in their respective fields.