Getting Started
2-6 AT85DVK-07 Demonstration Firmware User’s Manual
2.3 Power-Up There are two ways to power-up the system:
USB powered: the USB cable is connected to the board and to a PC
Battery Powered: a battery is inserted in its socket, the Power On key is pressed.
Note that the battery can be replaced by an external power-supply connected to J20
(see the AT85DVK-07 Hardware User’s Guide for further information).
A short animation followed by the Atmel logo will be displaye d during few s econd s, gi v-
ing the version of the firmware and NandFlash manufacturer IDs:
Note: To skip the display, press a key.
If the board is powered using the battery, the Main Menu application is launche d:
If the board is powered by the USB cable (device mode) , th e Mas s-Sto rage applic atio n
is automatically launched:
NandFlash Manufacturer ID
NandFlash Device ID