AT85DVK-07 Demonstration Firmware User’s Manual 3-7
Section 3Operating Modes3.1 Main Menu The main menu shows the operating modes of the player.
The operating mode is selected using the Right and Left keys, then launched by press-
ing the Select key.
3.1.1 Operating Modes Here is the list of the operating modes. Their description is given in the following
3.1.2 Battery Status The battery status can take the following states:
3.1.3 USB Host Status The USB host status can take the following states (empty zone = no device detected):
Magnified application icon
Application name
Battery Status
USB Host Status
Mass Storage Player
Play list
Ebook CDC demo
Battery Full
Battery medium Full
Battery Low
Battery Very Low
Battery Charging (animated)
USB device detected
HUB device detected
Mass Storage device detected
HID device detected
CDC device detected