ATN PS -15

operators’s manual

Important Export Restrictions! Commodities,
products, techno logies and ser vices conta ined in
this manu al are s ubjec t to on e or mor e of the expor t
cont ro l l aw s a nd r eg u la ti on s o f th e U .S . G ov er nm en t
and they fall under the co ntrol jurisdicti on of
either the US Depart ment of State or the US BIS-
Department of Commerce. It is unlawful and
strictly p rohib ited to ex port, or atte mpt to ex port or
otherwise transfer or sell any ha rdware or technical
data or furnish any ser vice to any forei gn person,
whether ab road or i n the Un ited Sta tes, fo r which a
license or writte n appro val of th e U.S. Gov ernmen t
is required, without first obtaining the required
license or written approval from the Department
of the U.S. Government having jurisdiction.
Diversion contrar y to U.S. law is proh ibited.