u s e r ` s g u i d e

Importa nt Expo rt Rest riction s! Com moditie s, prod-
ucts, technologies and servic es contained in this manual
are subject to one or more of the export con trol laws and
regulations of the U.S. Government and they fall under the
control jurisdi ction of either t he US Departmen t of State
or the US BIS -Departm ent of Com merce. It i s unlawful
and strictl y prohibite d to export , or attempt to export or
otherwise transfer or sell any ha rdware or technical data
or furni sh any servic e to an y forei gn pers on, whe ther
abroad or in the United States, for which a license or writ-
ten approval of the U.S. Government is requi red, without
first obt aining t he requi red lic ense or w ritten approval
from th e Depa rtmen t of t he U.S . Gover nment having
jurisdiction. Diversion cont rary to U.S. law is proh ibited.

nIght vISIon gogglES