DEFAULT: Use the arrow keys to position the highlight over DEFAULT and press SELECT twice to restore factory defaults.
Clock Setup Page
Press the MENU button and use the LEFT or RIGHT ARROW keys to highlight the “SETTINGS” icon. Press the SELECT button to bring up the GENERAL SETUP PAGE. Then press the RIGHT ARROW key to highlight the clock icon and press SELECT to enter the adjustment mode.
Clock Mode: Clock mode allows the operator to select whether the time will be displayed in 12 or 24 hour mode. To enter your selection use the arrow keys to position the highlight over CLOCK MODE and press the SELECT key. Follow by using the arrow keys to select the desired setting and then press the SELECT key to exit and save your choice.
Clock Setting: This option provides the operator with the means for setting the time. Use the DOWN or UP ARROW keys to position the highlight over CLOCK SETTING and press the SELECT key to enter the current time. Use the Up/Down arrow keys to change the time and use the Left/Right keys to select which parameter you will set. Once the desired time is entered press SELECT key to save your choice. Press the LEFT ARROW key to exit.
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