Problem | Solution |
Your digital picture frame | The adapter is not securely connected |
won’t turn on | to your picture frame or the power |
| switch is not on. |
A memory card is inserted | * Make sure that the memory card |
in your digital picture frame | contains JPEG files. (Progressive JPEG |
but you cannot view your | are not supported). |
photos. | * Turn your digital picture frame off and |
| make sure that the memory card is |
| inserted all the way into the card slot |
| and is inserted correctly. Then turn the |
| frame on again. |
| * This device does not support flash |
| cards larger than 4GB. |
| *If some cards can not be read. You can |
| try to format it first. |
| * Note: Some digital cameras save |
| images in formats other than JPEG. |
| Refer to your camera’s manual if your |
| photos are not JPEG files. |
The frame displays some | Higher resolution pictures load more |
pictures slower and some | slowly. Try using lower resolution pic- |
pictures faster. | tures or down sampling your images. |
| See your camera’s operating manual for |
| details on down sampling your photos. |
The Remote control will not function.
1)make sure the plastic shipping tab has been removed from the remote’s battery compartment. See page 8.
2)Make sure you are aim the remote at the digital picture frames I/R sensor located in the upper right hand corner of the frame.
3)Check or replace the battery in the remote.
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