Network System
With Network System you can choose to accept roaming (Standard) or restrict your phone to only calls from your
home network (Home only).
1. In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then Services.
2. In Services, tap Network System, then Get Settings (retrieving settings
may take a few minutes).
3. Then in Preferred Serving System tap Home only or Standard.
TTY Mode
This mode allows the use of a TTY machine (for the hearing impaired) together with your device. Voice Carry Over
(VCO) allows a TTY user to switch between receiving TTY characters and talking into the phone; Hearing Carry Over
(HCO) allows a user to switch between transmitting TTY characters and picking up the phone to listen.
To view your TTY mode settings:
1. In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then Services.
2. In Services, tap TTY Mode, then Get Settings (retrieving settings may
take a few minutes).
3. Tap Full mode, VCO, HCO or Off, then tap OK.