Chapter 3: Local Port Operation 23
Figure 3.8: OSCAR Interface Devices Dialog Box
When the AutoView 3008/3016 switch discovers a cascaded switch, the numbering format changes
from an AutoView 3008/3016 port only to [AutoView 3008/3016 port]-[switch port] to
accommodate each target device under that switch.
For example, if a switch is connected to AutoView 3008/3016 port 6, each target device connected
to it would be numbered sequentially. The target device using AutoView 3008/3016 port 6, switch
port 1, would be 06-01, the target device using AutoView 3008/3016 port 6, switch port 2, would
be 06-02, and so on.
To assign a device type:
1. In the Devices dialog box, select the desired port number.
2. Click Modify to open the Device Modify dialog box shown in Figure 3.9.
Figure 3.9: OSCAR Interface Device Modify Dialog Box
3. Choose the number of ports supported by your switch and click OK.