Chapter 3: Web Manager for All Users 43
Users can bring up multiple instances of the sensor plotter page and view different sensors in
different graphs at the same time. The graph displays a new reading at a specified interval. The
default, which is user-configurable, is five seconds.
Figure 3.6: Sensor Plotter Page
To view a server’s sensor data from an SP (Web Manager):
1. Log into the Web Manager.
2. Click the Sensors link associated with the server whose sensors you wish to view. A MindTerm
Java applet appears showing unformatted sensor data.
3. Click the View sensor plotter button. A list of sensors appears on the left with the main graph
area empty.
4. Click the radio button next to the name of the sensor you wish to view.
5. Click the Display Graph button. A graph of data from the selected sensor displays in the
default graph format.
Sensors List Graph Area
Display Graph Button