Appendices 65
the applet displays hotkey combinations that you can use to get help (^Ec?) or disconnect (^Ec.).
The following table shows all the available hotkeys, which are entered after the escape sequence.
For example, to send a broadcast message, you would enter Ctrl+e+c b and to tell the applet to
abort, you would enter Ctrl+e+c Enter on a Windows keyboard. To exit the session, press Ctrl+_.
Table A.2: Hotkeys Available During Console Sessions
Key Action Key Action
.Disconnect aAttach read/write
bSend broadcast message cToggle flow control
dDown a console eChange escape sequence
fForce attach read/write gGroup info
iInformation dump l? Break sequence list
10 Send break per config file l1-9Send specific break sequence
o(Re)open the tty and log file pReplay the last sixty (60) lines
rReplay the last twenty (20) lines sSpy read-only
uShow host status vShow version info
wWho is on this console? xShow console baud info
zSuspend the connection Enter Ignore/Abort command
?Print this message ^R Replay the last line
\too Send character by octal code