72 MergePoint 5224/5240 Service Processor Manager User Guide
list of devices 16–17
management commands 17
device console management command 6
native IP management commands 8
power management command 9
reset command 10
SEL management command 6
sensor management command 12
SP console management command 5
example of a disabled service 20
in MindTerm 16
requirement for managed devices 2
service controlled by security profiles 14
using to protected communications on public
network 3
SSH clients
accessing the MergePoint 5224/5240 SP
manager console 16
connecting to the MergePoint 5224/5240 SP
manager 15
for different platforms 25
ssh command
on the MergePoint 5224/5240 SP manager 15
management commands 18
ssh management commands
sensors 18
SSH tunnel
creating 25
requirement for native IP access to a device 8
static route 28
sudo command 4
system event log
See SEL 6
Ttarget devices 2
TCP port number for creating an SSH tunnel 25
Technical support 66
Telnet 2, 14
telnet command 13
terminal emulator 19
required for native IP access to a device 8
tasks for creating 8
Uusername for authentication 13
types and authorizations, defined 4
account types 4
accounts 36
authorized 37
default shell 16
information they need 20
/usr/bin/rmenush login shell introduction 16
/usr/bin/spshell shell 17
Vvirtual IP addresses, introduction 3
virtual media 7
virtual network, creating a network route to during
PPTP VPN tunnel creation 32
VPN connections
configuring a profile 29
duration requirements 28
making using IPSec or PPTP 27