Index 99
remove a user from the DSR switch database 78
rename a user in the DSR switch database 78
Video Viewer 59
Reset Appliance 80
Reset Certificates 79
Reset PS/2 42
Restore Factory Defaults 80
Safety Precautions 4
dialog box 36, 37
Enable 38, 42
mode 36, 37
OSCAR interface 26
Screen Saver 26
Secure Mode 79
Video Viewer session time-out 60
Setting up your network 8
Setup Dialog Box 27
Simple point and click access to any server 2
SPC devices
power controlling from the Video Viewer 56
SPC port 1, 9, 90
SPC power control device 1, 6, 8, 9, 90
illustrated 7
target devices
selecting 23
Technical Support 94
Terminal Applications menu 84, 85, 86
Terminal Operations 59, 75
upgrade the DSR switch firmware 81
User Connections
Viewing and Disconnecting 43
User Status 42
User Status Dialog Box 44
Using Scan Mode 36
Verifying the Connections 11
Version Dialog Box 46
Video Viewer
about 59
adjusting color depth 65
adjusting mouse options 69
adjusting the view 64, 66
aligning the mouse 71
capturing a window 72
changing the window resolution 63
closing a session 73
enabling scaling types 65
enabling/disabling full screen mode 65
launching a KVM session 60
macros 72
minimum requriements 59
refreshing the screen 64
selecting the cursor type 69
session time-out 60
specifying a toolbar hide time 63
specifying scaling 70
using keyboard pass-through 71
window features 61
Viewing User Connections 43
virtual media 23, 41
dialog box 41