20 DSView Installer/User Guide

Not powered

Ports that are not powered will have a grey icon covered by a black “X.” The
power state of a CPS800 or CPS1600 appliance attached to a DS/DSR appliance
will appear as Unknown.
Port status reporting can be toggled by selecting File - Enable Port Status. If
there is no check mark beside this menu option, DSView will not request the
port status information from the DSAuth Server. DS users may still get a snap-
shot of port status by selecting View - Refresh.

SPC device power state

SPC devices that are set as powered will appear with a different icon when
they are not powered. For more information on setting SPC power states, see
To change the SPC device power state later in this chapter.

The OnBackup status bar indicator

When DSView is communicating with its assigned primary DSAuth Server,
that server name will appear in a status window. If DSView is unable to com-
municate with the primary DSAuth Server, it will attempt to communicate
with the backup DSAuth Server. If DSView is communicating with a backup
DSAuth Server, the server’s name will appear highlighted in yellow.
NOTE: When DSAdmin is communicating with the backup DSAuth Server, it is working in a
degraded mode. The backup DSAuth Server allows only View o perati ons and does not allow any
modifi cations to the tree, properties or permissions settin gs. When DSAdmin is using a backup
DSAuth Server, the OnBackup status bar will turn yellow.
Adding and Configuring DS Appliances and Target Devices
Once you have installed your hardware and software, you will need to con-
figure the DS appliances. You may also need to configure KVM switches and
associate SPC devices with an appliance port.