86 DSView Installer/User Guide
Keys Hex Code Function Mnemonic Encode/Decode
Ctrl+U 15 NAK Yes/No
Ctrl+V 16 SYN Yes/No
Ctrl+W 17 ETB Yes/No
Ctrl+X 18 CAN Yes/No
Ctrl+Y 19 EM Yes/No
Ctrl+Z 1A SUB Yes/No
Ctrl+[ 1B ESC Yes/No
Ctrl+\ 1C FS Yes/No
Ctrl+] 1D GS Yes/No
Ctrl+~ 1E RS Yes/No
Ctrl+? 1F US Yes/No

The following table lists the VT100 ANSI mode and cursor keys for set and

reset modes. Encoding and decoding is supported for all the cursor keys listed.

VT100 ANSI Set and Reset Mode Cursor Keys
Cursor Key Mode Reset Mode Set
Up Esc [ A Esc O A
Down Esc [ B Esc O B
Right Esc [ C Esc O C
Left Esc [ D Esc O D

The following table lists the VT100 PF1 through PF4 key definitions. Encoding

of each listed key is supported; decoding is not applicable.

VT100 PF1 through PF4 Key Defi nitions
Key Code Sequence
F1 Esc [ O P
F2 Esc [ O Q
F3 Esc [ O R
F4 Esc [ O S