Fig. 2.1: AUTOCOM PRO front panel
The BEHRINGER AUTOCOM PRO has two identical channels. Each channel is equipped with 8 backlit
By engaging the COUPLE switch the AUTOCOM PRO is converted to stereo mode, where the controls of the left channel take over the control of both audio channels. The control signal for the control characteristic consists of either the sum of the left and right audio signal or the sum of the external audio signals, which are being fed into both SC RETURN connectors. By pressing the COUPLE switch, you override all the controls and switches of channel 2 with the exception of the IN/OUT, SC EXT, SC MON, SC FILTER and I/O METER switches as well as the OUTPUT and PROCESS controls. As a result, the controls of channel 1 take over the functions of channel 2.
+Should you wish to use the SC EXT function in stereo mode, then be sure that both SC RETURN jacks are connected to the external control signal, and that the SC EXT switches on both channels are engaged.
2.1 Expander/Gate Section
2 |
| 4 |
Fig. 2.2: Control elements of expander/gate section
Use the THRESHOLD control to determine the threshold point below which expansion occurs. The range of this control is from OFF to +10 dB.
When a signal above the threshold value is applied, the
To optimally adapt the expander/gate to the program material, the RELEASE switch allows for selecting a SLOW or FAST release time. When you engage this switch, the expander responds with a slow release. As a general rule, percussive material with little or no ambience is processed using the FAST release mode, whereas signals with long decay or with heavy ambience require the SLOW release mode.
8 | 2. CONTROLS |