Beko CFD6643AP manual ArrangementExamplesSeediagram, Tall,largebottles,beverages

Models: CFD6643AP

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1.￿Baked,￿chilled￿cooked￿food, dairy￿products,￿cans.






7.￿Butter,￿cheese,￿eggs,￿small￿bottles, cans,￿tubes.

8. Tall,￿large￿bottles,￿beverages.









The￿following￿guidelines￿and￿recommendations￿are￿suggested￿to￿obtain￿the￿best￿results￿and storage￿hygiene.



pre￿frozen￿food. The￿recommendation￿for￿￿storage￿as￿stated￿on￿the￿food packaging￿should￿be￿observed￿at￿all￿times.


4.Fresh￿wrapped￿produce￿can￿be￿placed￿on￿the￿shelf.￿Fresh￿fruit￿and￿vegetables￿should be￿cleaned￿and￿stored￿in￿the￿crisper￿bins.


6.To￿store￿raw￿meat,￿wrap￿in￿polythene￿bags￿and￿place￿on￿the￿lowest￿shelf.￿Do￿not￿allow to￿come￿into￿contact￿with￿cooked￿food￿to￿avoid￿contamination.￿For￿safety,￿only￿store￿raw meat￿for￿two￿to￿three￿days.

7.￿Keep￿the￿food￿packed￿wrapped￿or￿covered. Allow￿hot￿food￿and￿beverages￿to￿cool￿before placing￿them￿in￿the￿fridge.￿Do￿not￿store￿explosive￿substances.￿High￿proof￿alcohol￿must be￿stored￿upright￿in￿sealed￿containers.￿Left￿over￿canned￿food￿should￿not￿be￿stored￿in the￿can.

8.￿Fizzy￿drinks￿should￿not￿be￿frozen￿and￿products￿such￿as￿flavoured￿water￿ices￿should￿not be￿consumed￿too￿cold.

9.￿Some￿fruit￿and￿vegetables￿suffer￿damage￿if￿kept￿at￿temperatures￿near￿0°C. Therefore￿wrap￿pineapples,￿melons,￿cucumbers,￿tomatoes￿and￿similar￿produce￿in polythene￿bags.

10.￿Place￿chilled￿cooked￿food￿and￿similar￿food￿near￿the￿rear￿of￿the￿fridge￿inner￿liner￿where the￿cold￿wall￿is￿located.


12.￿Do￿not￿leave￿frozen￿food￿at￿room￿temperature￿to￿thaw;￿the￿best￿way￿to￿defrost￿food￿is￿to put￿it￿in￿the￿fridge￿to￿thaw￿slowly.￿Make￿sure￿you￿avoid￿defrosting￿food￿or￿food￿juices drip￿onto￿other￿food.

13.￿For￿hygiene￿reasons,￿always￿wrap￿food￿using￿a￿suitable￿packaging￿material￿before storing￿in￿your￿appliance￿to￿avoid￿contact￿with￿the￿appliance￿surface.


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Beko CFD6643AP manual ArrangementExamplesSeediagram, Tall,largebottles,beverages, Bottlescanbeplacedinthedoorsection

CFD6643AP specifications

The Beko CFD6643AP is a standout appliance in the realm of refrigeration, designed to seamlessly integrate style with functionality. This impressive fridge freezer boasts a sleek white finish, making it a versatile choice for modern kitchens while ensuring that it remains visually appealing. Offering a generous capacity, it caters to both small and large households alike, allowing you to store a significant amount of groceries and perishable items without concern.

One of the key features of the Beko CFD6643AP is its Frost Free technology. This innovative system prevents the build-up of frost and ice within the appliance, eliminating the need for manual defrosting. By maintaining optimal conditions, this technology not only saves time but also ensures that your food stays fresh and well-preserved. This feature is particularly beneficial for busy households, where convenience is paramount.

In addition to its frost-free capabilities, the Beko CFD6643AP is equipped with Multi Air Flow technology. This system ensures an even distribution of cool air throughout the fridge and freezer sections, helping to maintain consistent temperatures. By regulating air circulation effectively, it reduces the risk of temperature fluctuations, which can lead to spoilage and waste of food items.

The appliance also offers adjustable shelving, giving users the flexibility to customize the internal layout according to their needs. The shelves can be repositioned to accommodate taller items, such as bottles or larger containers, making it convenient for everyday use. Moreover, the door compartments are designed with practicality in mind, allowing for easy access to frequently used items like condiments and beverages.

Energy efficiency is another important consideration in the design of the Beko CFD6643AP. It is rated with a high energy efficiency class, which means it consumes less power, resulting in lower energy bills and a reduced environmental impact. This makes it an environmentally friendly choice for the eco-conscious consumer.

Additional features include a robust LED interior lighting system that enhances visibility inside the fridge, smart egg trays, and a scratch-resistant surface that ensures the exterior remains looking new for years to come. Overall, the Beko CFD6643AP is a powerful combination of efficiency, convenience, and modern design, making it an excellent addition to any kitchen space.