Belkin Corporatio n
501 West Walnut Str eet
Compton, CA, 90 220-5221, U SA
+1 310 898 1100
+1 310 898 1111 fax
Belkin Ltd.
Express Business Park
Shipton Way, Rushden
NN10 6GL, United K ingdom
+44 (0) 1933 3 5 2000
+44 (0) 1933 31 2000 fax
Belkin B.V.
Boeing Avenue 333
1119 PH Schiphol-Rijk, Net herlands
+31 (0) 20 654 7300
+31 (0) 20 654 7349 fax
Belkin GmbH
Hanebergstrasse 2
80637 Munich, Ger many
+49 (0) 89 143 405 0
+49 (0) 89 143 405 100 fax
Belkin SAS
130 rue de Silly
92100 Boulogne-Bill ancourt, Fra nce
+33 (0) 1 41 03 14 4 0
+33 (0) 1 41 31 01 72 fax
Belkin Iberia
Avda. Cerro del Agui la 3
28700 San Sebast ián de los Reyes , Spain
+34 9 16 25 80 00
+34 9 02 02 00 3 4 fax
© 200 6 Be lki n C orpo rat ion . Al l r ight s r ese rve d. A ll trad e n ames ar e re gis ter ed t rad emar ks of r esp ect ive
manuf actu rer s l iste d. Mac OS and Mac are tr adem ark s o f Ap ple Com put er, Inc ., r egi ster ed in t he U.S. an d
other cou ntr ies.
Pleas e v isit our web sit e w ww.b elki n.c om f or t ech nica l su ppo rt or f urt her inf orma tio n.Disposal of Waste E quipment by User s in Private Ho useholds in the E uropean Union :
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