Driver Installation
This installation pro cedure will install t wo USB 1.1 Host Cont rollers and one
USB 2.0 Enhanced Ho st Controller.
(1) Windows will detect “NEC USB Open Ho st Controller ( E13+).” The
required driver suppor t will be automaticall y installed. No use r
input is required.
(2) Windows will detect “PCI Universal Ser ial Bus”. This is the U SB
2.0 EHCI controller. T he Add New Hardwar e Wizard window will
(3) Select “Automatic search for a better dr iver (recommended)”. Click
(4) Check the “CD-ROM Drives” box. Click “N ext”.
(5) Windows will locate the driver for “Belkin USB 2.0 High speed Host
Controller” . Click “ Next”.
(6) Windows will now install the USB 2.0 E nhanced Host Cont roller
driver. Click “Finish”.
(7) Windows will detect “NEC USB Open Ho st Controller ( E13+)”. The
required driver suppor t will be automaticall y installed. No use r
input is required.
(8) After installation of the USB Hos t Controllers, W indows will detect
“USB Root Hub” and automatically insta ll the required driver
support. This will r epeat one more time.
Installation is now c omplete.