Driver Installation
Installation Proce dure for Windows XP
(1) Windows will detect “NEC PCI to US B Open Host Cont roller” The
required driver suppor t will be automaticall y installed. No use r
input is required. This will repeat one more t ime.
NOTE: USB 2.0 dr iver support is no t included in the init ial release version of
Windows XP. These drivers w ill be included in Windo ws XP Service P ack 1.
Beginning in early Janua ry 2002, the W indows XP USB 2 .0 drivers will be
available from Microsof t via “Windows U pdate”. You must have a connec tion
to the Internet in or der to access “Wi ndows Update”.
(2) Windows will detect “Universal Serial Bu s”. If you have a
connection to the In ternet the Windows “New Hardware Ins tallation
“ wizard will access “ Windows Update” and automatically
download and install t he USB 2.0 Enhance d Host Controlle r driver.
(3) Windows will detect “USB Root Hub”. The requ ired driver support
will be automatically ins talled. This will re peat 2 times.
Installation is now c omplete.