Once you are satisfied that the helmet fits correctly and that all straps are properly adjusted and tightened, take a short test ride. Pay attention to overall comfort and helmet stability while riding. Make any minor adjustments to the fit pads and straps to improve comfort or stability.


Helmets are made of materials that can be damaged by many commonly available cleaners. Petroleum based solvents or cleaners are especially dangerous. They can damage a helmet so that its protective capabilities are significantly reduced. Many times this damage is not visible. For best results, clean the helmet using a soft cloth or sponge, warm water and mild soap.


After each use allow the helmet to air dry and then store in a cool, dry place. Excessive heat can damage the helmet. In direct sunlight, dark gear bags and automobile trunks can get hot enough to cause heat damage. Damaged helmets will appear to have uneven or bubbly surfaces.

WARNING! DO NOT use heat damaged helmets.


1Enjoy bicycling. Ride safely. You are responsible for your own safety.

2Always wear your helmet, even on a short ride. Many accidents happen close to home.

3Watch carefully for drivers turning left in front of you. Drivers often report that they never saw the bicycle or the rider.

4Wear brightly colored clothing.

5Obey all traffic laws.

6Don’t ride at night without proper lighting and reflectors. Watch for parked cars. Doors often open without warning.

7Pretend you’re invisible. Don’t assume that automobile drivers can see you.


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Bell Sports BELL Trailrider Helmet manual Take a Test Ride