Getting started... 11
Getting started...

Charging the battery

1. Turn the Rechar ge On/Of f switch to On befo re rechar ging the
2. Install the plug to the charger as shown in the bottom picture.
3. Please make sure that plug is properly installed to the charger
before connecting it to the socket.
4. Connect charger to a wall ou tlet. The red indica tor on charger
will illuminate. In about 3.5 hours, the indicator will turn
into amber. In about 4 hours, the indicator will turn into
green and the charging process is about to complete. In about
4.5 hours, the battery will be fully charged.
5. Joybee 125 battery charges both by USB cable and charger.
You can plug Joybee 125 directly to your computer or with an
extension USB cable to start charging, or you can do so with a