Fax Software Installation for Windows 2000/XP
1.Insert the Modem Installation disc into your
2.Double click the My Computer icon on your desktop, double click the icon that represents your
3.Double click SETUP (SETUP.EXE).
4.The installer for Supervoice will appear. Confirm the installation path and click Proceed.
5.Fill in the fields providing your personal information. These fields will be used later on fax cover pages when you are sending a fax. The serial number is not required for installation. please leave this field blank. Click the proceed button when you are finished completing the form.
6.You will be informed that the installation requires files from the Windows CD. Please insert your Windows CD and
click OK.
NOTE: Some systems are shipped from the factory with windows
7.You will be informed that the PIC Fax Printer is added to your system successfully. Click OK to continue.
8.Click OK to complete the installation.
Modem on Hold
1.Double click the My Computer icon on the desktop or click Start > My Computer.
2.Double click your
3.Double click the MOH folder.
4.Double click Setup (or setup.exe).
5.Click Next to begin the install wizard.
6.Click Yes to the license agreement.
7.Confirm the installation folder and click Next.
8.Confirm the program folder and click Next.
9.Click I would like to launch Netwaiting, and click Finish.
Product Support Information
Please have the following information available when you contact us for technical support.
1.Product Model #: Your Best Data Modem is model 56USBCXT.
2.Your Computer System Information
CPU Type and speed (example: Pentium3 700mhz) Operating system version (example: Windows XP)
3. Problem Description
Please provide us with an exact description of the problem including any error messages that occur. Please let us know what steps you have already taken to troubleshoot the problem.
Best Data Technical Support Options
Best Data Free Support
Q u i c k S t a r t
G u i d e
5 6 K V. 9 2 U S B
M o d e m
Model # 56USBCXT
M o d e l # 5 6 U S B C X T
© 2 0 0 7, B e st D a t a Pro du c ts . A ll righ ts re s e rv e d.
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