FlipScreen Owner’s Manual
Mode and Power ButtonsThe mode buttons and power button (fig. 8) are located at the top of the
remote and along the top of the keyboard.
FIGURE 8. Mode and Power Buttons
The mode and power buttons do the following:
Options ButtonFigure 9 shows the location of the Options button. You can use the Options
button in all modes to display the Options menu for the current mode.
Power Turns the iCEBOX on. Press again to
put iCEBOX in Sleep Mode. (See LED Indica-
tor on page 16)
Tele vis ion Te lev isi on M ode Puts the iCEBOX into Televi-
sion Mode so that you can watch your
favorite shows.
Internet Internet Mode Puts the iCEBOX into Internet
Mode so that you can connect to the Internet.
DVD & CD DVD & CD Mode Puts the iCEBOX into DVD &
CD Mode so that you can watch a DVD or
play a CD.
Radio Radio Mode Puts the iCEBOX into Radio Mode
so that you can listen to your favorite FM
Radio stations.
Video Video Mode Puts the iCEBOX into Video Mode
so that you can monitor another place in your
home or access an s-video signal. Press the
Video button repeatedly to switch between the
S-Video and composite signals.
Mode X, and
Mode Y These modes will be available as part of
future updates.