FlipScreen Owner’s Manual
To name a saved station
1. With the iCEBOX in Radio Mode, choose Manage Stations.
2. In the Saved Stations list, select the station you want to name.
3. Select the Station Name box.
4. Type a name (up to 25 characters) for the selected station.
5. Choose the Apply button.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 to name additional stations.
7. Choose OK.
The new station names appear in your list of Saved Stations.
To rem ove st ation s
1. With the iCEBOX in Radio Mode, choose Manage Stations.
2. In the Favorite Stations list, select the station you want to remove.
3. Choose the << button.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 to remove additional stations.
5. Choose OK.
The removed stations no longer appear in your list of Saved Stations on
the FM Radio.