Caring for Your iCEBOX
FM Radio QuestionsQ: Why does the product have FM only (and not AM as well)?
A: Based on our research, the vast majority of our customer
demographic listens exclusively to FM radio.
Q: How many radio channels can I store with the product?
A: The product will store as many as 21 channels.
Q: Can I listen to the FM radio while in Internet mode?
A: No, the product does not have this capability at this time.
Q: Can I install my own FM antenna on the back of the
A: Yes. The antenna supplied with your unit has been tested and
will typically provide good FM radio reception. You may be
able to improve reception by using a more powerful antenna.
Q: Does touch screen work with the FM radio mode?
A: Yes. The touch screen works with all the functionality of the
Radio mode.