Adding contacts
BlackBerry Wireless Handheld 39
5. Click the trackwheel. A menu appears. 6. Click Save. The contact is saved.Company Type a company name.
Title Type a job title.
Work, Home,
Type the appropriate phone number.
!To insert an extension, type x or ext. Type the extension
You can use a wait or pause to separate additional numbers (for
example, a password or extension) from the main number. When
the phone number is dialed, your handheld either pauses before
dialing the additional numbers (pause) or prompts you to type
them (wait).
!To insert a pause or wait, click the trackwheel. A menu
appears. Click Add Wait or Add Pause. Type the additional
Fax Type a fax number.
PIN Type a BlackBerry handheld personal identification number.
Address 1 Type a street address.
Address 2 Type any additional address information.
City Type a city.
State/Prov Type a state or province.
Code Type a ZIP code or postal code.
Country Type a country.
User 1, User
2, User 3,
User 4
Type additional information (for example, a birthday or
!To change the name of a user-defined field for all contacts,
click the trackwheel. A menu appears. Click Change Field
Notes Type any notes.
Field Description