4: Browser
76 User Gu ide
Refresh a web pageYou can refresh a web page to view the most current information, or
if a web page stops responding.
1. On a web page, click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
2. Click Refresh. The web page is refreshed.
Save a web page to the Messages screenYou can save a web page to your Messages screen instead of
creating a bookmark that appears on the Bookmarks screen.
1. On a web page, click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
2. Select one of the following options:
•If the web page is not loaded yet, click Save Request.
•If the web page is loaded, click Save Page.
The requested web page is saved as a message on the Messages
View the URL of a web pageYou can view the URL of a web page while you browse it.
1. On a web page, click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
2. Click Page Address. The Address dialog box displays the
address of the web page.
Tip: To open a web page from the Messages screen, click a saved web page.
A menu appears. Click Open Page.