Add GPS location information to pictures

You can add the latitude and longitude coordinates for your current location to pictures that you take.
1. In the camera, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Change the Geotagging field to Enabled.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Save.
To stop adding GPS location information to pictures, set the Geotagging field to Disabled.

View GPS location information for a picture on a map

When you highlight a picture that includes GPS location information, a globe indicator appears beside the file name in the lower-left
corner of the screen.
1. In the media application, click Pictures.
2. Click a category.
3. Highlight a picture that includes GPS location information.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click View on Map.
Maps troubleshooting

Diagonal lines appear on a map

Diagonal lines appear on a map when your BlackBerry® device loads a new map or when your device is not connected to the wireless
If diagonal lines appear for a long period of time, verify that your device is connected to the wireless network.
User Guide Maps troubleshooting