Radio mode

Enter broadcast frequency directly

If the frequency of the desired stations is known, it can be entered directly via the touchscreen.

￿In radio mode, press the [ ] button.

A numeric keypad is displayed for the frequency input.

￿Enter the frequency of the desired station with the numeric keypad.

￿Press the [ ] button.

The radio menu is displayed, the station of the frequency entered is played back.

Starting station seek tuning

￿Press the [ ] or [ ] button for approx. 2 seconds to start station seek tuning.

The radio tunes into the next receivable station.


For the reception area Europe: In the FM waveband, only traffic information stations are tuned into if the priority for traffic information is switched on.

Storing stations manually

￿Select the desired memory bank with the [ ] but- ton.

￿Set the desired station.

￿Press the [ ] button.

The menu for storing stations is displayed. 6 memory locations are available that are displayed as buttons.

￿Press the button under which you want to store the current station.

The station is stored, the radio menu is displayed again.

Storing stations automatically (Travelstore)

With Travelstore, you can automatically search for and store the 6 FM stations offering the strongest reception in the region in the memory bank FM1, FM2 or FM3.

￿Select an FM memory bank.

￿In the radio menu, press the [ ] button.

￿In the options menu, press the Travelstore button.

The tuner starts the automatic station seek tuning. After the storing is completed, the radio plays the station at memory location 1 of the previously se- lected memory bank.


With switched-on priority for traffic information, only traffic information stations are stored.

Switching RDS on/off

Many FM stations broadcast an RDS (Radio Data System) signal in addition to their programme in the reception area Europe that allows additional functions, such as the display of the station name.

￿In the radio menu, press the [ ] button.

￿The options menu is displayed, the current setting is shown after RDS.

￿In the options menu, press the RDS button to change the setting.

￿Press the [ ] button.

The radio menu is displayed again.

Traffi c information

In the reception region Europe, an FM station can iden- tify traffic announcements via an RDS signal. If priority for traffic reports is switched on, a traffic report is automati- cally switched through, even if the car sound system is currently not in radio mode.


The volume is increased for the duration of the switched-through traffic announcement. You can ad- just the minimum volume for traffic announcements.

Switching priority for traffic announcements on/off

￿In the radio menu, press the TA button to switch the priority for traffic announcements on or off.

The TA button is lit if the priority for traffic announce- ments is switched on.

Setting the minimum volume for traffic announcements

￿In the radio menu, press the [ ] button.

￿In the options menu, press the TA VOL button.

￿Adjust the desired volume with the [ ] or [ ] but- ton.

￿Press the [ ] button.

The radio menu is displayed again, the set volume is stored.


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Image 7
Blaupunkt 800 Storing stations manually, Storing stations automatically Travelstore, Switching RDS on/off