
Changing route options during route guidance

￿During a route guidance, press the More button.

￿Press Route Settings.

The route settings are displayed.

￿Change the settings, if necessary.

￿Press Back.

The route guidance is displayed again.

Map Settings

With the map settings, you can adjust the view mode (2D or 3D), the viewing angle of the map, the colours and the display of buildings and points of orientation on the map. In addition, you can specify for categories of points of interest whether they should be displayed on the map, e.g. car dealerships, cafés, restaurants.

￿Call up the navigation menu.

￿Press More….

￿Press Settings.

The settings menu for the navigation is displayed.

￿Press on the [ ] button to display the second page.

￿Press Map Settings.

The map settings are displayed.

￿Change the settings, if necessary.

￿Press Back repeatedly until the navigation menu is displayed again.


You can also change the map settings during the route guidance:

￿During a route guidance, press the More button.

￿Press Map Settings.

The map settings are displayed.

￿Change the settings, if necessary.

￿Press Back.

The route guidance is displayed again.


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Blaupunkt 800 Map Settings, Changing route options during route guidance, During a route guidance, press the More button