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Operation Checklist

For a safe and pleasurable heating experience, perform this check before each use.

Before Operating

q I am familiar with entire owner’s manual and understand all precautions noted in “Safety First”.

q All components are properly assembled, intact and operable. q No alterations have been made.

q All gas connections are secure and do not leak. q Wind velocity is below 10 mph.

q Outdoor temperature is greater than 40 degrees F. q Heater is outdoors (outside any enclosure).

q There is adequate fresh air ventilation.

q Heater is away from gasoline or other flammable liquids or vapors.

q Heater is away from windows, air intake openings, sprinklers and other water sources.

q Heater is at least 36” (top) and 24” (side) from combustible materials. q Heater is on a hard and level surface.

q There are no signs of spider or insect nests. q All burner passages are clear.

q All air circulation passages are clear.

q Children, pets, clothing, flammable materials and items that can be damaged from radiant heat are away from the heater.

q Children and adults in the area have been alerted to the high temperature hazards: especially burns and clothing fires.

q Children and adults in the area have been warned not to touch heater near engine during operation and until unit has cooled.

After Operation

q Gas control is in OFF position. q Gas tank valve is OFF

q Disconnect Gas line.

q Heater is upright in a secure location.


Owner’s manual: model 92000 portable outdoor heater
