DCN Next Generation 2.40 Release Notes en | 6
Bosch Communications Systems | 2007 March
3 Release 2.12

3.1 General

3.1.1 Release
February 5th 2005
3.1.2 Firmware/FPGA versions
Product FPGA SW FW
DCN-CCU 1.06 2.12.1246 3.41.1902
1.0 -- --
1.1 1.00.XXXX --
DCN-DDB -- 1.4.XXXX --
DCN-DDI 1.3 -- --
DCN-DIS 1.11 -- --
DCN-FCS 1.0 -- --
DCN-IDESK 1.3 1.20.XXXX --
LBB 4402/00 -- 2.12.1246 3.41.1902
PRS-4DEX4 -- 2.12.1246 3.41.1902
LBB 4404/00 -- 2.12.1246 3.41.1902
3.1.3 Compatibility restrictions
The following versions are not compatible with this
Product FPGA SW FW
DCN-CCU 1.06 -- --
LBB 4120 1.1 -- --

3.2 Errata

3.2.1 Integrus Manual: standby function
When switching off the DCN Next Generation CCU,
the Integrus transmitter indicates “Network Error”
and not “standby”. However, the radiators do switch
to the standby mode. When the DCN Next
Generation CCU is switched on again, the Integrus
transmitter and the radiators return to the “on”
3.2.2 Auxiliary function
The DCN-DISCS does not support “single delegate
with auxiliary control mode” as mentioned in the
Installation and User Instruction.

3.3 Known limitations

3.3.1 Microphone will be reset to default after
When a de-init is activated at the CCU the
microphone is always set to microphone mode
“open” with 2 active microphones.
3.3.2 Use of Developers Toolkit
The developers toolkit provided on this CD-ROM
can only be used with Windows 2000.
3.3.3 Text “starting” remains on CCU
In a system with an Audio Expander and an
Integrus transmitter, the text “starting” can remain
on the display of the CCU after start up. On the
display of the Audio Expanders 'No Network' is
Switch the network mode of the Integrus transmitter
to enabled and the problem will be solved.
3.3.4 Network mode disabled results in faults
When the network mode of a transmitter is set to
disabled, while connected to a DCN Next
Generation system, noise on the loudspeakers in
the DCN Next Generation system can occur.
Switch the network mode of the Integrus transmitter
to enabled and the problem will be solved.