12.8 Central Heating
Check that the external controls are calling for heat to the heating
Check that all the radiators heat up evenly. If necessary carefully vent.
12.9 Balance the system to give the correct temperature
differential. Refer to Table 3. Refer to Section 7. for bypass
12.10 Set the room thermostat to minimum and check that the
burner goes out. Reset the room thermostat and the burner will re-light.
Turn off the gas service cock at the boiler. The burner will go out
but, after a short pause, the appliance will make 5 attempts to
restart sparking for 5 seconds and then 'lock-out'. After 60
seconds carefully open the gas service cock at the boiler, operate
the reset control and observe the burner re-light and follow the
normal sequence of operation. Refer to Fig. 32.
Turn off the gas service cock at the boiler and the electricity
supply to the appliance.
Drain the system while the appliance is hot.
Refill, vent and re-pressurise the system (Sealed System) adding a
suitable proprietary inhibitor. Further information is available
from Worcester Technical Information Dept, Telephone 08705
12.11 Completion of Commissioning
Disconnect the pressure gauge from the gas valve and tighten
the test point screw.
Restart the appliance and check for gas soundness around the
test point screw.
Fix the red arrow on the data plate to show the boiler setting. If
the setting has been altered the adjustment screw should be re-
sealed by a dab of paint to stop un-authorized adjustment.
Refit the casing, reconnect the earth and tighten the clip.
If the appliance is to be passed over to the user immediately
then set any controls to the users requirements.
If the appliance is to be left inoperative in frosty conditions then
set a programmer, if fitted, to continuous and the appliance to
operate at a low temperature under the control of a frost
thermostat, if fitted, to protect remote parts of the system.
The boiler has its own integral frost protection which will also
protect a compact system.
If there is any possibility of the appliance being left totally
unused in freezing conditions then switch off the gas and
electricity and drain the appliance and the system.
Complete the Benchmark Log-book.
13.1 Hand over the User Booklet and the Benchmark
Log-book and explain how to operate the appliance safely and
13.3 Tell the user what to do if the appliance is not to be used in
very cold conditions.
13.4 Tell the user what to do if the system (Sealed System)
pressure falls.
13.5 Explain that regular servicing, of a maximum of 12 months
between services, will maintain the safe and efficient operation
and extend the life of the appliance. Worcester can offer a
comprehensive maintenance contract.
13.6 Tell the user that any work on the appliance must only be
carried out by a competent person.
14.1 The extent of the service will be determined by the
operating condition of the appliance. It is the law that any
service work is carried out by a competent person.
14.2 Inspection
Check that the terminal and the terminal guard, if fitted, are clear
and undamaged.
If the appliance is in a compartment or cupboard check that the
specified clearances are clear. Refer to Table 7 and Section 6 Air
Check all the joints and connections in the system and remake
any that show signs of leakage. Refill and re-pressurise (Sealed
System) as described in Section 12 Commissioning.
Operate the appliance and take note of any irregularities. Refer to
Section 18-Fault Finding.
Check the combustion performance
Lift off the cap from the sample point on the top of the boiler and
connect the meter. Refer to Fig 30/30a.
With the appliance at maximum rate and stable expect readings
of about:
Refit the sample point cap after the test.
Always test for gas soundness after the service has been
Disconnect the electrical supply at the mains and turn off the
gas supply at the gas service cock on the appliance before
starting any service procedures.
14.3 Component Access
Ensure that the gas and electricity supplies are isolated before
accessing the following parts.
Remove some or all of the following parts to gain access to the
Outer Case. Loosen the screw and clip at the base, disconnect
the earth tag, lift the case up and pull forwards.
Base/Control Assembly.Remove the single screw and lower.
Refer to Fig. 33a/b.
Inner Case Door. Remove the four corner screws and lift the
door off.
Combustion Chamber Front Cover.Loosen the two wing-nuts
and slide the 'J' bolts out of the slots. Pull the front cover
forwards and upwards to remove from the boiler.
NOTE: On the 9/14CBi the RHS bolt and clamping bracket must
be removed.
Fan - Rear Only Flue. Remove the combustion chamber front
cover. Carefully pull off the electrical connections and the
pressure tubes from the air flow detector. Slide out the fan and
flue hood assembly. Ensure that the combustion chamber rear
fits under the lip on the fluehood. To remove the fan, remove the
two fixing screws and release the clamping bracket.
14. Inspection And Service13. Instructions To The User

Fig. 32. User controls.

123 4

1. Boiler demand 2. Burner ON 3. Lock-out
4. Temperature control knob/ ON-STANDBY/ Lock-out reset
0.003 - 0.007 7.2 - 8.1 0.002 - 0.005 6.0 - 6.8
0.003 - 0.007 8.1 - 8.7 0.002 - 0.005 6.9 - 7.7
0.002 - 0.005 6.6 - 7.5 0.002 - 0.005 5.6 - 6.5
0.002 - 0.005 7.8 - 8.5 0.002 - 0.005 6.3 - 7.0
0.008 - 0.012 7.1 - 7.7 0.008 - 0.012 7.0 - 7.8
0.005 - 0.010 8.0 - 8.9 0.008 - 0.015 7.8 - 8.5
9/14CBi NG
14/19CBi NG
19/24CBi NG