About the Tempo and Time Signature
The RC-2 allows you to set the tempo and time signature sepa-
rately for each phrase track. These settings also determine how
the guide tone will play, and how loop quantization will occur.
This means that setting the tempo and time signature before re-
cording makes it easy to create a correct, accurate loop phrase.
* The default time signature is 4/4. If you are recording a
phrase with a 4/4 time signature, it is not necessary to set
the time signature.
What is Loop Quantize?
The timing at which you stop recording a phrase is very impor-
tant in creating a loop that plays backs accurately. In the past,
extensive practice was necessary to become skilled at operat-
ing the pedal for this purpose.
The RC-2’s Loop Quantize function automatically adjusts
the length of a newly recorded phrase to the measure unit
defined by the tempo and time signature, even when the
timing at which recording is stopped is slightly off. This al-
lows you to easily create loop phrases with uniform measure
lengths that play at a consistent, steady tempo.
* Loop Quantize is enabled only when you have set the tempo
before recording. If the tempo is not set before recording,
Loop Quantize will not be enabled.
Loop Phrase
Loop Phrase
About Automatic Tempo Settings
When a phrase is recorded without a specific tempo
setting, the tempo is then set automatically after the
recording is finished.
* The automatic tempo setting calculates the tempo
premised on phrases being recorded “with a guide
beat and 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... (or other power of two)
If you are recording phrases with other beats, set the
time signature using the procedure on p. 36 before
RC-2_e.book 34 ページ 2006年10月27日 金曜日 午前10時31分